Safety of our drivers and passengers is our priority.
Some common guidelines for preventing infection from Covid 19:
1. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
2. Wear a properly fitted mask when outside your home.
3. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or clean them with alcohol-based hand rub.
4. Stay at least 1 metre apart from others in public places.
5. Self isolate and stay at home if you feel unwell, until you recover.
Some common guidelines for preventing infection from Covid 19:
1. While entering, exiting, and during ride, you should maintain social distance with the customers.
2. After each trip, drivers should clean their hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
3. When drivers exchange money and credit cards with customers, they must sanitize their hands.
4. Proper sanitization of the cab is to be done after every ride.
5. Sanitize high frequency touch points, such as door handles, front & back seats, air vents, etc. after every ride.
6. Drivers should follow all safety standards like wearing masks and gloves, and avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth.
7. It is mandatory for drivers to have Aarogya Setu on their mobile phones with a green status.
7. Drivers with symptoms of Covid 19 must self-quarantine themselves.
Guidelines for passengers:
1. Passengers must have completed their two doses of vaccine.
2. Passengers should sanitize their hands before entering the cab and after their ride as well.
3. If you have symptoms of covid 19 avoid travelling.
4. Wear a proper fitted mask.
5. Preferably use online mode of payment for your ride to avoid contact with driver and to reduce the risk of Covid 19.